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About DSH

DSH began life as ‘The Digital Self-Heating Home’ in 2005 when the first prototype system was installed near Wellington NZ. As the system evolved, it became apparent that limiting what the system was capable of to a home was indeed limiting. The name was changed to DSH (Digital Solar Heat), Almost any structure with a concrete floor for example, is a prime candidate for the DSH system as long as the decision in made during the design stage. DSH system are operating all over Australasia and soon N America

Ban CO2 EmmissionsThe prototype DSH system CIRCA 20062014 Calgary Herald main Headline


Industry Leadership: Inventor, Canadian Ron Theaker CD, a Director in the Telecommunications & Eco-Construction industry in NZ at the time, has been involved with alternate energy since the 70's. While managing an energy efficient architectural design company in NZ, he wondered why it was that no one seemed to have an affordable, viable, packaged solar heating system available or installed in their home or commercial buildings.  This seemed very strange to him as it was obvious sufficient solar energy existed, even in winter in sub-zero temperatures given the new technologies in collection.

Solar hot water is more common and very effective,  but the number of installations are still minimal.

It seemed doable, and he set about finding out why solar heat was not prevalent, remedy it, then systematically develop a packaged solar heating system with as many off-the shelf parts as able with an eye towards keeping costs down. 

Now, after years of development and many installation in NZ and Australia, the DSH system can be installed in most locations. Even super cold areas such as Calgary Alberta is expect to deliver an offset of 50-75% of heating AND hot water.

DSH will soon be looking for professional installation companies in Canada, and the USA. If your company is interested, please contact us. Training is included.

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